Selected Publications in Peer Reviewed Academic Journals

Please refer to CV for full list of publications

Last name in bold if lead author, mentee/student denoted with*

Publications Related to Wellbeing of Minorities in the United States

Financial Knowledge, Behavior, and Stress

  1. Blanco, L., Garcia, C., Gulbins, B., & Gutierrez, R. 2024. Systematic Review of Racial/Ethnic and Gender Differences in Financial Knowledge in the United States. Journal of Financial Literacy and Wellbeing (forthcoming).

  2. Blanco, L., Hays, R. 2024. Evaluation of the Reliability and Validity of the Retirement Knowledge Scale. Journal of Retirement (forthcoming, in press).

  3. Brito-Yates, S., Vasquez, G., Blanco, L. et al., 2024. Employment and income insecurity experienced by low to moderate income Latinas during the COVID-19 pandemic. Health Equity (forthcoming)

  4. Blanco, L., Hernandez, I., Thames, A., Chen, L., Serido, J. 2023. Mind Your Money: A Community-Based Digital Intervention for improving financial capability Among Hispanics. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 212, 629–643.

  5. *Choi, A., Stoutland, D., Blanco, L., 2023. An evaluation of a digital financial education program and the impact of COVID-19 on financial wellbeing among college students. Journal of American College Health, 1-13. PMID: 37084244.

  6. Blanco, L., *Cruz, V., *Frederick, D., & *Herrera, S. 2022. Financial Stress among Latino Adults in California during COVID-19. Journal of Economics, Race, and Policy, 5(2): 134-148. PMCID: PMC8327043.

  7. Blanco, L., Contreras, S., & Gosh, A. 2022. Impact of Great Recession bank failures on the use of financial services among racial/ethnic and income groups. Southern Economic Journal, 88(4): 1574-1598.

  8. Angrisani, M., *Barrera, S., Blanco, L, & Contreras, S. 2020. The Racial/Ethnic Differences in Financial Literacy in the Population and by Income. Contemporary Economic Policy, 39(3), 524-536. 

  9. Blanco, L., Duru, O. K. & Mangione, C. 2020. A Community Based Randomized Controlled Trial on an Educational Intervention to Promote Retirement Saving Among Hispanics. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 41, 300-3015.

  10. Blanco, L., & Rodriguez, L. 2020. Delivering Information about Retirement Saving among Hispanic Women: A Facebook Experiment. Behavioural Public Policy, 4(3), 343-369. 

  11. Blanco, L., et al. 2020. Perspectives on Finances and Mental Health among Low-Income Latinas. Journal of Financial Therapy, 11(2), 52-78.

  12. Blanco, L, Angrisani, M., Aguila, E., & Leng, M.  2018. Understanding the Racial/Ethnic Gap in Bank Account Ownership among Older Adults. Journal of Consumer Affairs. 3(2), 324-354.

  13. Blanco, L., Aguila, E., Gongora, A., & Duru, O.K. 2017. Retirement Planning Among Hispanics: in God’s Hands? Journal of Aging and Social Policy, 29(4), 311–331. PMID: 27976984

  14. Aguila, E., Angrisani, M., & Blanco, L. 2016. Ownership of a bank account and health of older Hispanics. Economic Letters, 144, 41-44 (Blanco Lead Author).

  15. Blanco L., *Ponce M, Gongora A, & Duru O. 2015. A qualitative analysis of the use of financial services and saving behavior among older African Americans and Latinos in the Los Angeles area. Sage Open. 5(1). PMID: 26064788. PMCID: PMC4459749.


  1. Castellon-Lopez, Y.M., Blanco, L.R., *Garcia, C., et al. 2024. MivacunaLA (MyshotLA): a communitypartnered mobile phone intervention to improve COVID-19 vaccination behaviors among low-income, Spanish-speaking, and immigrant Latino parents or caregivers. Vaccines (forthcoming)

  1. Panameno, M.; Blanco, L.R., Hernandez, A.M., Castellon-Lopez, Y.M., et al. 2023. Using Digital Technology to Build COVID-19 Vaccine Confidence: A Qualitative Study among Latinx Parents of Children Aged 5–11 in Under-Resourced Communities across Los Angeles County. Vaccines, 11, 1042. 

  2. *Choi, A., Blanco, L. R., Hays, R. 2022. Race and ethnicity differences in walking and associations with neighborhood perceptions among older adults in California. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 41(12): 2499-2510. PMCID: PMC9671857.

Publications Related to Wellbeing of People in Latin America


  1. Blanco, L, Grier., R., Grier, K., Hicks, D. 2020. Household Responses to the Escalation of Violent Crime in Mexico. Applied Economic Letters, 28(4): 315-318.

  2. Blanco, L., Ruiz, I., & Wooster, R. 2019. The Effect of Violent Crime on Sector-Specific FDI in Latin America. Oxford Development Studies. 47(4), 420-434.

  3. Blanco, L. 2016. The Impact of Judicial Reform on crime victimization in Mexico. Violence and Victims, 31(1), 27-50. PMID: 26645670.

  4. Blanco, L., Ruiz, I. 2013. The Impact of Crime and Insecurity on Trust in Democracy and Institutions. American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 103(3), 284-288.

  5. Blanco, L. 2013. The impact of crime on trust in institutions in Mexico. European Journal of Political Economy, 32, 38-55.

Other Topics

  1. Wooster, R., Blanco, L, & Sawyer, C. 2015. Equity Commitment under Uncertainty: A Hierarchical Model of Real Option Entry Mode Choices. International Business Review, 25(1), 382-394.

  2. Sawyer, C., Blanco, L, & Wooster, R., 2015. Does Experience Matter for Patterns of Expansion by U.S. Companies in Latin America and the Caribbean. Global Economy Journal, 15(1), 1-24.

  3. Blanco, L., Gonzalez, F., & Ruiz, I. 2013. The Impact of Sector Specific FDI on CO2 Emissions in Latin America. Oxford Development Studies, 41(1), 104-121.  

  4. Blanco, L. 2012. The Spatial Interdependence of FDI in Latin America. World Development, 40(7), 1337– 1351.

  5. Blanco, L., Mora, J., Olabisi, M., & Prieger, J. 2020. Synergies and Competition: Export Survival in Africa and Latin America. Southern Economic Journal, 87(1), 245–273.

  6. Blanco, L. 2013. Finance, Growth, and Institutions in Latin America: What are the Links? Latin American Journal of Economics, 50(2), 179-208.

  7. Blanco, L., & Grier, R. 2013. Explaining the rise of the left in Latin America. Latin American Research Review, 48(1), 68-90.

  8. Blanco, L., & Grier, R. 2012. Natural resource dependence and the accumulation of physical and human capital in Latin America. Resources Policy, 37(3), 281-295.

  9. Blanco, L. 2010. Life is Unfair in Latin America, But Does it Matter for Growth? World Development, 38(3), 393-404.

  10. Blanco, L. 2009. The Finance-Growth Link in Latin America. Southern Economic Journal, 76(1), 224-248.

  11. Blanco, L., & Grier, R. 2009. Long Live Democracy: The Determinants of Political Instability in Latin America. Journal of Development Studies, 45(1), 76-95.